Redirection to Act Now Ministries

Redirection to Act Now Ministries

Follow God’s Direction in Our Lives to Act Now Ministries As many of you know, we are closely following God’s plan for our future. Currently, God has directed us to follow a path to Sicily, Italy in lieu of spreading the gospel message as missionaries....
Does God Love Me?

Does God Love Me?

Does God Love Me? If you’re asking the question, “does God love me?”, you’re in the same shoes as many other people. I too, have struggled with this question. More so, I now struggle with the question of how, not if. The fact of the matter is,...
What Does it Mean to Live by Faith?

What Does it Mean to Live by Faith?

What Does it Mean to Live by Faith? What does it actually look like to live by faith? Does walking in faith parallel itself as to walking blindly? There have been times in my own life that a leap has been taken blindly with poor execution that came from lack of real...
The Jonah Response to God’s Calling

The Jonah Response to God’s Calling

Complete Transparency The Jonah response to God’s calling is a common trend we can all suffer if we do not heed His calling. This may be the hardest article I have had to write. I am going to approach this with complete vulnerability and openness. My attempt is...
Partnership with Act Now Ministries

Partnership with Act Now Ministries

One Small Step for Us Today is an exciting entry on God’s plan! One step closer in bringing us to Sicily. Additionally, we have officially decided to partner with Act Now Ministries! Although we may not be leaving for Sicily today, we start that journey and look to...